Tocca, Florence, the scent of linden blossom, pear and white flowers and musk

Beautiful name of the legend of Sirens

Beautiful name of the water of Circe, her magical potions that turn men into pigs

Intoxicating Brugmansia after sundown

Dried chocolate as the base after several hours of sharp Indian Ink smell

Wonderful Louanges Profanes (Love with the Angel)
I went on my day off to an exclusive perfume shop downtown here and sampled 20 different fragrance. All the brands are from Europe and these are niche perfume. That is the perfume are not sold in Department store at all, they are developed by famous perfumeurs. My friend and I sampled Penhaligans first from the UK and hated all the scent: bluebells, Lily, English Fern, Violetta, all have baking soda smell and the flower scents has not much of a depth... so we changed to smaple french perfume. Last time I bought L'artisans Parfumeur Fleur de Liane, love it but it is not long lasting. Serge Lutens is much more long lasting, I got Datura Noir to wear at night (intoxicating Trumpet flower scents) and Borneo (horrific top note of Camphor and Patrouhli that I can't bear, smell like Indian ink that I had bad expeirence of in my childhood, but 5 hours later mellow out in the dry down to beautiful chocolate smell). And I got Sawako the Fleur d'oranger of Serge Lutens. So I explained to the lady shop keeper that I need something that last for a long time even when I am cooking chocolate, and it needs to be white flowers with a dash of green notes. So she started recommending here and there and we tried more, and I was interested in the line Parfumerie Generale, so first I tried a couple and then I wanted to test the L'eau de Circe on my wrist, and did and top note is sweet white flowers and not too special, the name is beautiful (Circe is the greek goddess turning men into pigs) and then 30 minutes later my wrist smell like burnt chinese medicine, horrible, I said I hated it. In between I tried one beautiful scent #19 Louanges profanes of PG. It is a winner, so complex and smooth and soothing. So I bought it.
Here is a link on you tube explained by the parfumeur his concept of this fragrance I think it is a great practice on french.
Here is a summary.
The story behind the fragrance is wonderful: A friend and client of Pierre Guillaume told him to make a perfume that reflects the „absolute feminine happiness“. Guillaume imagined a night of love with an angel combined with innocence and sensuality and chose ingredients with a religious background: orange blossoms that are put into the hair of a bride in France, the white lily of the Madonna, frankincense, which has a cathartic effect, benzoin used by oriental clerics and the precious wood that Noah used for his ark. This combination makes a beautiful floriental which has something very special: a light and creamy note that reminds me of a suntan lotion from my childhood days and which contrasts sensuality with purity. A balancing act made by a genius.